Globally, the number of cyber attacks on businesses average 117,339 per day, and the frequency and severity of these attacks are increasing. Many of these preventable attacks cause significant loss to these organizations. If you have experienced a loss of revenue or a decrease in customer confidence due to information theft, the contents of this white paper will serve to refresh some steps that can be taken to avoid that from occurring in the future. If that is not the case, and you are preemptively considering a document security solution for your business to mitigate concern about the security of your company’s content, then this white paper will be equally helpful in outlining some reasons to consider implementing a document security solution.
The impact of an incident can be felt all across the top line - immediately. Revenue streams tied to intellectual property can disappear. Or, in cases where sensitive customer information has been compromised, a reputation hit and a high customer turnover are the direct and indirect consequences respectively.
The bottom line also takes a hit. Valuable intellectual assets can be lost (or worse, sold and used by competitors), investigation and legal services needed, capital costs incurred to reinvest in infrastructure to repair the breach, plus PR and marketing to repair and rebuild the company’s sales pipeline, reputation and brand. All of which can significantly impact the bottom line for years to come.
Digital content can be copied within the span of a few seconds and quickly distributed, where the number of copies grows exponentially. Small thefts, plagiarism, and copyright violations happen all the time and most of the time the impact is insignificant. But the potential damage from a major document theft of leak can be substantial.
For most companies, that risk escalates with the volume of content stored and shared.
The best way to counter such a risk is to ensure that you have a proactive plan to properly monitor and secure information from internal and external threats; a plan that includes document-level protection. Even if a document is shared away from a protected network, or onto multiple devices, your valuable or sensitive documents have protection at the file level.
Experiencing a significant document leak, or even a major data breach, can have dire financial consequences in companies operating in a variety of industries.
For many companies it’s difficult to calculate the direct and indirect impacts of a data breach or document loss. It can vary widely depending on the nature of the incident.
The 2016 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis7 reported that the average total cost of a data breach was $4 million, representing a 29% increase since 2013.
Many companies (not just the mega corporations) can benefit from taking the threat to their content seriously. Hackers will probe your security with various recon and vulnerability scans, and target businesses in industries that are known to be less likely to deploy multi-layered security technologies and have less robust governance.
They will specifically go after the valuable information contained in documents that are less protected, in transit, shared, synced to apps, or on devices.
Estimate your potential costs in each of these areas assuming a small, medium, or large incident with your most valuable or sensitive documents.
For many companies, it’s becoming a necessity to ensure all corporate data and content is safe - wherever it ends up.
Dropbox’s data breach put the private data of 6.9 million customers at risk in 20128. Soon afterward, quite a few companies, including Morgan Stanley, restricted employee access to the file hosting service.
A recent survey reveals that 86% of customers were ‘not very likely’ or ‘not at all likely’ to do business with a company that had failed to protect credit/debit card details and 82% wouldn’t trust a company whose data breach involved home address, email addresses or telephone numbers. In this era where the story lasts ‘forever’, this kind of public flogging can have negative brand impacts lasting as long as the story is searchable online, creating an brand deficit that any future marketing must overcome.
Digital documents hold all kinds of information – corporate data and customer related - within them. Do you have adequate restrictions and policies in place regarding who can and cannot access sensitive or revenuegenerating documents?
The Forrester report, Understand the State of Data Security And Privacy: 2013 to 201410 states that insiders are responsible for 39% of all incidents of data breaches occurring in a company.
Most mistakes are inadvertent and stem from an unfamiliarity or poorly understood data use and governance policies. These risks are exacerbated by the BYOD culture of storing data across various devices. However, breach incidences also include data abuse by unscrupulous insiders. If you cannot change the way you work, you can strike a balance between security and access to continue delivering a good reader experience.
Defining data and roles for users in an easily understandable way that doesn’t interfere with experience or ability to work doesn’t have to be challenging. It is an initiative that can be successful if you leverage the right document security tools.
No matter how it happened, in your customers’ minds, it’s your fault. Cybersecurity is now a persistent legal risk as it is becoming more common for class action suits to be filed against corporations who do not institute sufficient information protection measures.
If we’re going to beconnected, then we need to be protected. As Americans, we shouldn’t have to forfeit our basic privacy when we go online to do our business. Each of us as individuals have a sphere of privacy around us that should not be breached, whether by our government, but also by commercial interests.
President Obama
January 2015
Companies may find that they are more legally vulnerable now than in the past. For example, Target’s data breach exposed the company to class action litigation11 as a result, and Home Depot12 is also experiencing similar pains due to their breach.
In addition, the legislative environment is becoming more and more concerned with personal privacy. In light of the recent large data breaches, former US President Obama proposed two new laws13 to deal with personal privacy, whether or not these become law, corporate decision makers should be aware the environment is less and less tolerant. In many states, and federally, legislation is being proposed and implemented to harden privacy laws.
Also, companies are experiencing additional costs in data loss (“cyber”) insurance coverage14. Sales have risen by more than 30% in recent years, as it becomes more and more necessary for companies to cover their increased risk and take cyber threats seriously.
Governance and risk officers are demanding that IT have at least some data and content loss prevention controls in place. Without such controls, securing investment for integration can be an uphill task. By making data (and content) security, privacy and governance key elements of any integration strategy, you can move forward with your integration goals. Given that, on an average, 32% of business-critical processes involve file transfers, a suitable document-level protection solution is vital to any integration strategy.
A document protection system is a competitive differentiator. Information security is not just a window dressing when presenting your business case but a critical factor that customers and clients peruse to justify buying from or partnering with you.
With incidences of leaked documents and information breaches making headline news and an understanding among consumers that cyber crimes are becoming more frequent, impactful and sophisticated, you have an opportunity to make a strong business case for document-level protection. In fact, you can also push document security to the forefront as a profit protector and generator before the executive board. The business value of document security can become a source of competitive advantage.
According to Forrester Research, at 17%, data security accounted for the second largest portion of the IT security technology budget in 2013, after network security. 35% of firms planned to increase their spending in this area in 2014. Gartner, in its 2013 Global Risk Management Survey15 also reports an increase in IT security budgets.
The rise in IT security spending is not just a response to the increasing incidence of data breaches suffered by big companies, but a necessity given the increasing work collaboration between peers and business partners in today’s corporate landscape. Forrester report Market Trends: Secure File Sharing and Collaboration in the Enterprise, Q1 201416 states that 97% of information workers collaborate with peers on a daily basis; 76% with clients or customers; and 64% with partners, vendors and suppliers.
Aiding collaboration are multiple devices, with 61% of workers using some kind of mobile device – smartphone, tablet or laptop – for work. 53% use three or more devices to accomplish their jobs. Also, file sharing occurs most commonly through USB flash drives, email and CD/DVDs. The ubiquity of sharing devices in a collaborative work environment poses the inevitable risk of failures in secure data handling these documents.
Companies have voiced their concern about the security of cloud-hosted files. There are some who argue that the widely distributed nature of cloud computing makes it a risky proposition as far as security is concerned. The counterargument is that security in data centers surpasses those on the public cloud.
Also, instances of brazen data breaches have involved laptops being stolen from cars or bars and disgruntled employees making off with gigabytes of data on USB drives. Google and Microsoft have publicly declared that the cloud is now safe enough.
The ubiquity of sharing devices in a collaborative work environment poses
the inevitable risk of failures in secure data handling documents.
2013 cloud security report Targeted Attacks and Opportunistic Hacks reached the following conclusions after examining the frequency and nature of security incidents occurring in the cloud hosting provider (CHP) and enterprise data center environments of 1,801 organizations:
The study also found that though financial services represent a most attractive target for attacks, they are not a target of opportunity but of choice. Media organizations, on the other hand, accounted for a higher number of incidents in the study. They tend to be less stringent about implementing security measures despite the fact that their content assets are of great interest.
Other industries of interest to attackers include IT services, e-commerce, manufacturing and energy. A different report by Alert Logic State of Cloud Security Bulletin: Information Security in the Energy Sector revealed that companies in the energy sector are lucrative targets for cyber attacks.
In some instances, the attacks intend to steal consumers’ personal information, but in most cases, the attackers are gunning for confidential, proprietary and valuable private sector files on survey, geological, research and technology-related data as well as intellectual property and details about financial deals that can later be sold to competitors, used in negotiations, media leaks, or even for extortion.
Document protection is an issue of corporate value. Compromising on corporate value can have a disastrous effect on your bottom line, reputation and competitive advantage.
Learn more about how a document security solution like Vitrium Security can help in protecting your organization’s digital assets. Learn more in the next few pages.
We invite you to explore some of the benefits of using Vitrium Security.
Our popular document protection software can help you limit the risk of your content being copied, leaked, shared, or stolen. Your PDF and Office files are instantly protected, ready to be distributed, and easily viewed by your audience. You can choose to publish the secured content to a user portal, send via email, or post to your own website, document management system, learning management system (LMS), eCommerce site, or other portal. Whatever method you choose, the files always remain secured no matter where they go.
Vitrium Security is trusted by hundreds of companies around the world to protect their documents and millions of readers haveaccessed our secure documents.
In the “Gold” plan
users pay a hefty premium fee but they receive unfettered access to the commodities reports with unlimited device use, unlimited printing capabilities and access across the globe.
In the “Gold” plan
users pay a hefty premium fee but they receive unfettered access to the commodities reports with unlimited device use, unlimited printing capabilities and access across the globe.
In the “Gold” plan
users pay a hefty premium fee but they receive unfettered access to the commodities reports with unlimited device use, unlimited printing capabilities and access across the globe.
Add your files to Vitrium’s cloud-based ontent security software. We also offer an installed, on-premise version. Acceptable file formats include PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Video and images to come in 2017.
Select the audience for your content. Decide who can access your secured files, place them in user groups, or leave them as individual recipients. Vitrium can also be integrated with your own user credential system.
Protect your files with military-grade 128-bit AES encryption and control access by setting various limits – viewing, browser, date, IP address limits and more. Block printing & copying, and insert dynamic watermarks.
Publish and share secured content as attachments or secured weblinks in a customizable user portal, through your own web portal, eCommerce site, or any other system such as document management system, association management, ECM, LMS, or via email.
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Any content that can be easily copied, printed, or shared is prone to many threats like piracy, intellectual property (IP) infringement, mass redistribution, leaks, plagiarism, data breaches, and so on. Particularly vulnerable is content that generates revenue for a business or contains confidential information, trade secrets, financial information, or content that is otherwise sensitive in nature. So in this digital age, what are firms to do?
The first line of defense that comes to mind is to add password-protection on a file. Although passwords can restrict file access, they are often easy to share, easy to crack, and difficult to manage for more than a single user.
Watermarks are also considered and they’re an excellent feature to deter copyright infringement, but not restrictive enough on their own. Adding a dynamic watermark that includes user identifying information such as a user name, user ID, company name, etc. definitely takes things a step further, but again, not restrictive enough on its own.
The best measures are to add strong, military-grade encryption. With this option, you’re essentially converting your unprotected content to a non-readable, encrypted format that can then only be unencrypted when you receive the encryption keys or you’ve been authenticated against another system. The most common encryption level offered by many file sharing and virtual data room providers is disk-level encryption. At this level, only the directory containing the files is encrypted while individual files remain unprotected and still vulnerable to leaks, unauthorized sharing, piracy and other potential hacks.
A great analogy for disk-level encryption is protecting your house with a lock and security system, but leaving all your valuables inside unprotected. A robber could bypass the lock and security system, and then gain access to whatever they find in the house. However, by applying file-level encryption and control in addition to the disk-level encryption is analogous to having a robust digital rights management (DRM) system like Vitrium which protects both the house (or portal / data room where the content resides) and the valuables within the house (the files within the portal or data room). By applying file-level encryption and DRM controls, this secures all the individual files and enforces protection no matter where the content resides.
Any content that can be easily copied, printed, or shared is prone to many threats like piracy, intellectual property (IP) infringement, mass redistribution, leaks, plagiarism, data breaches, and so on. Particularly vulnerable is content that generates revenue for a business or contains confidential information, trade secrets, financial information, or content that is otherwise sensitive in nature. So in this digital age, what are firms to do?
The first line of defense that comes to mind is to add password-protection on a file. Although passwords can restrict file access, they are often easy to share, easy to crack, and difficult to manage for more than a single user.
Watermarks are also considered and they’re an excellent feature to deter copyright infringement, but not restrictive enough on their own. Adding a dynamic watermark that includes user identifying information such as a user name, user ID, company name, etc. definitely takes things a step further, but again, not restrictive enough on its own.
The best measures are to add strong, military-grade encryption. With this option, you’re essentially converting your unprotected content to a non-readable, encrypted format that can then only be unencrypted when you receive the encryption keys or you’ve been authenticated against another system. The most common encryption level offered by many file sharing and virtual data room providers is disk-level encryption. At this level, only the directory containing the files is encrypted while individual files remain unprotected and still vulnerable to leaks, unauthorized sharing, piracy and other potential hacks.
A great analogy for disk-level encryption is protecting your house with a lock and security system, but leaving all your valuables inside unprotected. A robber could bypass the lock and security system, and then gain access to whatever they find in the house. However, by applying file-level encryption and control in addition to the disk-level encryption is analogous to having a robust digital rights management (DRM) system like Vitrium which protects both the house (or portal / data room where the content resides) and the valuables within the house (the files within the portal or data room). By applying file-level encryption and DRM controls, this secures all the individual files and enforces protection no matter where the content resides.
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