Associations & Standards | Solutions

Associations & Standards

Protect your IP and Easily Distribute Content

Prevent content from being copied, shared, or downloaded. Distribute content securely through a customized portal or your AMS, eCommerce, or other business systems.

Your digital content is at risk of being pirated, copied, or shared

Your organization provides valuable content that can easily land in the hands of unauthorized users. It is at risk of:

  • Being copied or shared
  • Getting stolen or repurposed
  • Being redistributed without your permission

Your teams spend a lot of time researching, creating, editing, marketing, and selling your content. By not securing it with DRM software, your resources are wasted. Your intellectual property is at risk, as well as your bottom line. Don’t let this go to waste!


Vitrium protects your content and puts you in control

With Vitrium’s digital rights management (DRM) software, you regain control of your sensitive or confidential digital content. You decide who has access and how they access it.

Keep your content exclusive to authorized users and assign different permissions to different user types.

Advanced DRM Controls & Secure Distribution Methods


Content Protection

With all Vitrium solutions, your content will be protected with AES encryption and you can choose whether to allow or prevent printing, copying, downloading, or screen sharing. 

Use Vitrium to protect your:

  • Standards documents
  • Certification guides 
  • Training materials
  • Audio content
  • Images 
  • Videos 
  • And more

DRM Controls

Each Vitrium solution offers different digital rights management (DRM) controls for you to choose. You can apply these to different users or groups, and different content.

Apply a wide variety of different DRM controls: 

  • Prevent printing, copying or screen sharing
  • Set expiry dates, device limits, or print limits 
  • Set open limits or account limits
  • Apply user-identifying watermarks
  • Control what IP addresses can access content
  • Restrict or block certain countries 

User Access

Depending on which Vitrium solution you choose, user access will vary. With all solutions you can leverage Vitrium’s advanced web viewer or Vitrium’s sleek on-demand video player. 

With Vitrium DRM software, you can: 

  • Integrate with your AMS, eCommerce, or other business system
  • Send an email to users with secure web links 
  • Enable single sign-on (SSO) to simplify user login experience
  • Use Vitrium’s fully customized secure end user portal
  • Add content into different folders or categories for easier access
vitriumone user access

Tracking & Analytics

Basic user tracking is available in VitriumOne and more extensive tracking is available in the two Vitrium Security products (Pro and Enterprise). 

  • Identify who is accessing your content, when, where and how*
  • Look up user errors to help troubleshoot issues
  • Drill down into analytical reports to gain insight into user behaviors
  • Learn what your top performing content is
  • Learn who your most active users are 
  • Set different date ranges for your reports
  • Export your data for further analysis

*Current option available in VitriumOne. If you wish to see the other tracking features available in VitriumOne, contact our team today to discuss options.


Integration & Automation

Automate your workflows by integrating Vitrium DRM with your other business systems using Vitrium’s industry-standard REST APIs. Connect to 3rd party systems to provide single sign-on (SSO) access for your end users. 

Depending on your Vitrium solution, you can integrate with:  

  • Association management systems (AMS)
  • Customer relationship management systems (CRM)
  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • eCommerce systems
  • Member systems 
  • Databases
  • Intranets or websites 
  • Other systems

Protect Multiple File Formats With Vitrium!

Vitrium’s DRM software allows you to protect documents, images, audio and videos. Vitrium encrypts these formats with 128-bit AES encryption and converts them to a secure web format.

Secure Web Viewer Secure Video Player Secure Audio Player

Associations & Standards Case Studies


ISA protects their exclusive content with Vitrium

ISA relies on Vitrium’s DRM software to protect their intellectual property and control distribution of global standards, technical reports, and recommended practices to professionals in the field of industrial automation.

Learn more

NITA uses Vitrium to protect their IP

NITA, the National Institute for Trial Advocacy, uses Vitrium as their DRM software. They protect copyrighted materials, control access to documents, and offer a pain-free experience for their paying customers.

Learn more

“Vitrium ensures our intellectual property is protected and makes it easy for our customers to access content. I can feel peace of mind knowing  our content is secure.”

Association Frequently Asked Questions

No, Vitrium does not use any proprietary or 3rd party plug-ins or apps.

Yes, all Vitrium solutions can protect video content, as well as documents, images, and audio files. All content is converted to a secure web format, so videos can be streamed at different resolutions.

Yes, all Vitrium-protected content is delivered through a secure web format that can be accessed on any device using any browser.

Yes, this is possible for documents, images or audio, and you can control this setting in your DRM Policy in Vitrium. However, offline access is currently not available for video content, because the content is delivered via a web format and relies on the browser’s memory which is limited.

Yes, Vitrium Security Enterprise uses rest APIs to integrate with multiple business systems such as: eCommerce systems, Customer Relationship Management systems (CRM), Content Management Systems (CMS), Member systems, Websites, and many more.

Yes, Vitrium Security Enterprise provides single sign-on capabilities that enable your customers to easily access protected content.


See Vitrium in Action

Learn how easy it is to protect your valuable documents, images, videos, and audio files with a brief demonstration of the software.