Download Vitrium's Process Overview Infographic
Protecting and distributing your content in a secure way can be easy with Vitrium’s Content Security and DRM software. As a Vitrium administrator, this process can be summarized in 4 steps:
- Upload Content
- Apply Settings
- Assign Permissions
- Distribute Content.
Vitrium secures over 20 input file formats including videos (MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, FLV, MK4), documents (PDF, Microsoft Office files, OpenOffice files, RTF and TXT files) and Images (JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIF and GIF) and converts them into two outputs which cannot be edited: Secure web link and Protected PDF (for documents only).
Your distribution options will depend on the Vitrium edition you subscribe to. Standard customers can send their protected PDF files or secure web links via an email attachment or embed them on their website or portal. Professional customers can also create and customize their own client portal which empowers end-users to access all their content in a secure single place. Vitrium’s Enterprise edition can integrate with a number of different 3rd party systems to automate your content workflows.